Friday, April 2, 2010

Flower Show

Macy's department store at Herald Square is decorated for its annual Flower Show - inside and out.


  1. Hey Joel, I like your new blog layout. What did u do to make your pictures fill the image area? Mine appear to not be as big as yours.

  2. I think your photos are showing up the same size as mine. I upload mine at 800x600 pixels. But, they appear on the blog page at 400 pixels wide because I manually set that width (although if clicked on, a new page opens with the larger image). To manually constrain the width, after uploading, click "edit html" and look for code that looks something like "width: 800px; height: 600px;" (the default values may be different for your template). change the width value to 400 (or whatever will fit your template) and then completely delete the code for height (the height will automagically default to appropriate height for whatever width you set).
